Soon you can skate again on the 400-meter ice rink! The ice rink will be open from Saturday, October 5th.

Soon you can skate again on the 400-meter ice rink! The ice rink will be open from Saturday, October 5th.


Saint Nicholas at De Uithof!

St. Nicholas is back in the country and has told us that kids can put their self-made (ski) shoe at De Uithof!

Put together a ski boot or normal shoe and decorate it festively for Sinterklaas and his sport Pieten. Take the hand-crafted, decorated (ski)shoe to De Uithof and put it down at the counter! In the week of November 29 to December 4 you can pick up your stuffed shoe again, who knows, maybe there’s something delicious in it…

Download shoe Download ski shoe