Beginnerscursus De Uithof

Beginners course

For the real beginners

Are you a novice skater? Sign up for our accessible beginners course! We start with technique exercises. In the course you lay a good foundation and you automatically develop speed. Anyone can learn to skate! Skating school De Uithof teaches skaters on Norwegians. Don’t have Norwegians, but would you like to participate in one of our classes? You can rent or buy skates at Oomssport.

Schaatsschool De Uithof

hours & Prices

Day Hours
Monday 09:05 - 09:55 or 19:50 - 20:20
Wednesday 09:05 - 09:55 or 20:55 - 21:45
Thursday 21:10 - 22:00
Friday 09:05 - 09:55
Saturday 11:10 - 12:00
Number of lessons Price
5 lessons (November till December) € 102,- (including access to the ice rink)
10 lessons (January till March) € 189,- (including access to the ice rink)