Soon you can skate again on the 400-meter ice rink! The ice rink will be open from Saturday, October 5th.

Soon you can skate again on the 400-meter ice rink! The ice rink will be open from Saturday, October 5th.


Freestyle lesson


Are you a real daredevil? And are you looking for more of a challenge on the slopes or in the fun park? Then our Freestyle class is definitely for you! At De Uithof you learn to jump the ramp, slide over the boxes and the rails and other cool slope tricks! You will get started under the guidance of our experienced freestyle teachers. They give you the best tips and tips and tricks for raiding moves and airtime!

Freestyle Park De Uithof
Freestyle Park De Uithof


For who
Skiing or snowboarding from 13 years

From level 3 (view our level indicator)

Group size
1-3 persons

Private lesson: € 50,- per hour per teacher
De price for a private lesson does not include access to the snow track and equipment rental. Does include a helmet.


book your lesson

Reserve the Freestyle class prior to your visit using the registration form below. Our ski school will then contact you to schedule a lesson for you.

Request Freestyle Skiing/snowboarding

  • Gegevens cursus
  • :
    Time preference 1*
  • Hidden
    Time preference 2*
  • :
    Time preference 3
    You must agree to our general conditions