Soon you can skate again on the 400-meter ice rink! The ice rink will be open from Saturday, October 5th.

Soon you can skate again on the 400-meter ice rink! The ice rink will be open from Saturday, October 5th.

Cursussen & Lessen

March/April course

Improve your techniques

The March/April course is a 7-week course for both novice and advanced skiers and snowboarders. You will receive lessons on the same day and time for several weeks in a row. The groups are subdivided by age category and level. Are you unsure about your level? View the level indicator here.



Start date
The course starts in the week from Monday 28 February to Sunday 6 March. Later entry is possible, subject to availability. Check our reservation system to see if there is space available. Does this say the course is full? Please contact our Ski School so that they can see if you can be scheduled.

From €130 excl. material*

*Note: the price of the course depends on the number of weeks of the course and the age of the student.




Age Age Group size
Skiing inimini's 3 years 3 till 5 children
Skiing mini's 4 and 5 years 3 till 5 children
Skiing kids 6 till 12 years 3 till 9 children
Snowboarding kids 8 till 12 years 3 till 9 children
Skiing teens/adults From 13 years 3 till 10 persons
Snowboarding teens/adults From 13 years 3 till 9 persons

course days

Leeftijd Lesmoment
Inimini Wednesday morning
Mini Wednesday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday morning and Saturday and Sunday afternoon
Kids Wednesday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday morning and Saturday and Sunday afternoon
Adults Wednesday and Thursday evening and Saturday and Sunday morning